info JD


Grote Kerk Oosthuizen

24 juli 2024 | 20:00

Jonathan Dimmock, San Francisco

Muziek van de Dans 

Medley of Dances,                                                                                   Tylman SUSATO (1500 - 1564) Arr.: J. Dimmock

Unter der Linden grüne,                                                                   Jan Pieterszoon SWEELINCK (Onder de groene lindebomen 1562 –1621)

Partita – "Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein",                            BWV Anh. 78 Johann Sebastian BACH (1685 – 1750)

Galliarda ex D                                                                                           Heinrich SCHEIDEMANN (1595 - 1663)



Toccata,                                                                                      Giovanni PICCHI (1572 - 1643)

Boumgartner O Dulcis Maria,                                            Buxheimer Orgelbuch (ca. 1470)

Toccata Settima,                                                                                                   Girolamo FRESCOBALDI (1583 - 1643)

Balletto del granduca,                                                                                  Jan Pieterszoon SWEELINCK (1562 – 1621) 

Drie anonieme dansen (ca. 1599): 

Almande & La Reprysse,                                                               Suzanne von Soldt manuscript 

Daphne,                                                                              Camphuysen manuscript

Almande Brun Smeedelyn & Reprynse,                                        Suzanne von Soldt manuscript

The Woods So Wilde,                                                                 William BYRD (1540 – 1623)


Organist, Jonathan Dimmock ( is well-known internationally as a concert soloist and recording artist. He is the Principal Organist at the Legion of Honor Museum, Organist for the San Francisco Symphony, and Music Director at Congregation Sherith Israel. A graduate of Oberlin and Yale, he had the unique privilege of serving under Simon Preston as the first American Organ Scholar of Westminster Abbey. Continuing his career in the United States, he served three Episcopal cathedrals: St. John the Divine (New York), St. Mark’s (Minneapolis), and Grace (San Francisco).Jonathan lives in San Francisco, where, for over twelve years, he was Music Director at St. Ignatius Church (the largest Jesuit church in the United States) and where he bases his extensive freelance career. He is in steady demand as an organ accompanist and is one of the few organists in the world to tour on six continents. He is especially renowned for his interpretations of the music of Bach and Messiaen.

Jonathan has recorded more than fifty CDs including a Grammy Award-winning CD of Mahler Symphony 8 with the San Francisco Symphony. In addition to hundreds of listings on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and other online music sites, he has been interviewed and featured on numerous radio and television stations including National Public Radio, Radio France, BBC3, ABC (Australia), MTV2 (Budapest), BCC (Barbados), and SABC (South Africa). His teachers and mentors include Olivier Messiaen, Gillian Weir, Jean Langlais, Peter Hallock, Haskell Thomson, William Porter, Thomas Murray, HaraldVogel, Naji Hakim, and Frédéric Blanc.

Jonathan’s intellect and creativity are decidedly those of a visionary and mystic. His numerous blog writings, his passion for communicating, and his personal focus have been the impetus for his founding of five nonprofit organizations, including the highly acclaimed American Bach Soloists (ABS), Artists’ Vocal Ensemble (AVE), and, most recently, The Resonance Project – using live music to transform conflict and find common ground. This project ( has led him to interview some of the greatest musicians in the world, all of whom share his excitement about the interface between music and neuroscience. The project has garnered attention from the United Nations, the U.S. Dept. of State, and President Obama. Jonathan is deeply committed to sharing the transformative power of music with the whole world.

Downloadable Recordings

CDs available for purchase as personal downloads – https://jonathandimmock.bandca...

Streamed recordings – https://jonathandimmock.hearno...